Hi, my name is Savannah, I am 21 years old and from Midland, Ontario. I attended Georgian College for one and a half years both online and in-person during the pandemic. Web design was something I discovered an interest in while doing my studies of Business-Accounting during post-secondary. 

I recently got into virtual design as I have always been into visual arts and decided to turn it into a business!  

I can help with creating a website for your business and/or product to help you make your digital website an easier and stress-free task! I can assist with any updating that your website may need such as pricing, products, hours, or even a fresh new layout change that will help draw the attention of the audience you want to target.

I am happy to answer any questions you may have or simply give you feedback on your designs/layouts. Let me help you start your new chapter of creation.

My Furry Companions     


Enjoys: frisbees, treats,  and chasing squirrels. 


Enjoys: cuddles, hair ties, and knocking cups over. 

Social Links